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If you would like to join our Calvert family, please see the Quick Links section and click the link provided.
配置Telegram走SS/SSR/V2ray/trojan伟理 - 网络跳越:2021-4-29 · Telegram,常叫电报,是非常著名的即时通讯软件,伡安全、免费、无广告深受全世界网友的热爱,基本上国内网友科学上网后必备的聊天软件。不同于手机平台,电脑版的Telegram需要额外设置才能使用V2ray这些伟理,本文介绍配置Telegram走伟理的
Thank you, we can wait for you to join us! :)
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Hello Calvert Families,
We hope you are all safe and well. Please feel free to contact your child’s teacher through email if you need further instruction or help on your child's continuity of learning.
Principal Steve Gediman sgedim1@lausd.net
Coordinator Nancy Robledo nxr9722@lausd.net
PreK Liz Calderon liz.calderon@lausd.net
TK/K Nadine Shindel nas7500@lausd.net
K Sped Stacey Schwartz sas0727@lausd.net
K/1 Rashanda Zakem rsi0967@lausd.net
K Jamie Armstrong jdp7542@lausd.net
1 Irene Shabazi/Azy Aarons ixs1275@lausd.net ajs8670@lausd.net
1 Erin Roberson ebr0737@lausd.net
2 Janet Bregman/Katherine Veda jbregman@lausd.net klv8467@lausd.net
2 Dora Fournier dlf1646@lausd.net
2/3 Pam Alch pamela.alch@lausd.net
3 Even Fritsch eaf1468@lausd.net
3 Judy Falzone jef6241@lausd.net
4 Dina Marshall dclapkin@lausd.net
4 Gayle Peck gayle.peck@lausd.net
3/4/5 Sped Ashley Crawford 翻墙党ssr节点
5 Sarah Gaudet sarah.gaudet@lausd.net
5 Reihaan Khan reihaan.zauhar@lausd.net
Locations of the "Grab and Go" Food (7:00 A.M. to 10:00 A.M.)
Chatsworth Charter High School
10027 Lurline Ave., Chatsworth 91311
Columbus Middle School
22250 Elkwood St., Canoga Park 91304
Kennedy High School
11254 Gothic Ave., Granada Hills 91344
Mulholland Middle School
17120 Vanowen Ave., Lake Balboa 91406
Porter Middle School
15960 Kingsbury St., Granada Hills 91344
Sepulveda Middle School
15330 Plummer St., North Hills 91343
Sutter Middle School
7330 Winnetka Ave., Winnetka 91306
If needed, please click here to access the LAUSD Resource Guide.
Here is a letter from our Superintendent Austin Beutner:
The public health crisis created by the coronavirus is not something any of us could reasonably have expected to happen, and we’re in uncharted waters as we work to prevent the spread of the illness. We have been following the guidance of public health experts on how we can keep all who are part of our school community -- students, staff, family members and visitors -- safe in the midst of a growing health crisis. We are now at a point where the balance has shifted and the appropriate path is to close schools. We are taking this step to keep our school communities safe. Effective Monday, March 16, we will close all Los Angeles Unified public schools for two weeks while we evaluate the appropriate path forward. While our school facilities will be closed, plans are in place for students to continue to learn during this time, and we will open 40 family resource centers to provide care for children if families need it.
For families: (213) 443-1300
For school leaders: (213) 241-2000
For employees: (213) 241-2700
If you would like to register for our new after-school program Creative Brain Learning, the instructions are below.
Online Registration is Open.
Parents can register their children at http://www.mscbl.com/aspregistration. There is no fee for the program. There is no registration fee either. Students will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. We would like to encourage students who are not currently served by an after-school program or LAUSD's Youth Services, such as grades K-1, to sign up.
Students must be registered before being able to attend the program, as Creative Brain needs to have student information and emergency contact information on file to properly serve program participants.
Program Schedule
The after school program will be in operation on all school days starting immediately upon school dismissal and until 6PM. The program will begin with student sign-in and snack/supper, followed by rotations that will include homework help, physical education and enrichment.
Creative Brain Learning Flyer
Greetings Future and Current Calvert Families,
For information regarding our enrollment procedures please click the link:
Application Procedures for Calvert Charter for Enriched Studies
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Calvert Charter for Enriched Studies is a student centered institution, focusing on excellence, producing students who are life-long learners, literate, culturally sensitive, morally responsible, and prepared to be leaders of the future.
Telegram – Telegraph:2021-10-27 · 频道伟号:QMGZ2021、ssrinter、SSRlist、freeshadowsock、V2list(这个是V2ray节点频道)、或者搜索SSR会找到很多免费分享节点的频道,自己留心添加订阅,全都免费。每天花两分钟上Telegram(电报)的节点频道去拿最新的节点,只要能坚持做到每天